Monday 27 August 2007

Bank Holiday Monday

Well now it's a Bank Holiday and ANOTHER lazy day!!! The Boss has gone down to his friend's allotment - with a flask of coffee and some choccie biscuits - and he and his pal Jim lad will be putting the world to rights and being all knowning and everything. Mind you I am not complaining 'cos he will be back for lunch.

Sue and I had our usual walk in the early part of the morning before it got too warm and then after we had packed his Lordship off to his get-together we had some coffee and toast under the trees in the garden and it was super .

There is a little robin that comes - not big boss robin, but a new little thing - this year's crop the Boss calls him - and he comes every day and sits on the bird bath and looks at us for crumbs.

At first we thought he was a lady robin 'cos from inside the kitchen window the little bird looks all brown - but there are a few red feathers coming and so we think it is a young male.

Anyway, by lunchtime we had some crumbs from the sandwiches and he/she got a few to enjoy!

We did a bit of website stuff this afternoon; I composed what to say here - and she had to type it us together with something of her own so we were busy on the keyboard!!!

Tomorrow we have got to walk to the post box to post some of the things we made today so that's another outing to look forward to

night night for now !

Chez zzzzzzzzzzzz

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